01256 636 509 Office Hours 9.00-5.30pm, closed Fri & Wed pm. [email protected]

New Artemis Finishes Now Available

Artemis Ceiling Fan Black from henleyfan.com

Artemis Ceiling Fan Black from henleyfan.com

We now stock the latest finishes in the amazing Artemis ceiling fan from the up-market Californian ceiling fan company Minke Aire.  Since last Autumn we have stocked the liquid nickel finish but can now offer black, dark koa wood, white and translucent finishes.  All have the same design of the body forming into the blades which make for a truly unique and impressive addition to any room where a classy atmosphere is needed.  Ideal for expensive restaurants, bars, hotels and shops where you want the customer to feel special and taken care of.  To see the full range.

Artemis Liquid Nickel Lounge
Artemis Liquid Nickel in Modern Lounge