01256 636 509 Office Hours 9.00-5.30pm, closed Fri & Wed pm. [email protected]

International Coffee House Chain Deploys Ceiling Fans

This highly successful Australian chain The Coffee Club is widely known across Asia with 274 stores.  It is now expanding rapidly across Europe with restaurants already open in Greece, Belgium and a number of other countries.  The company has used an excellent interior design complemented by a simple style of ceiling fan to provide a fantastic ambiance.  The company decided to cut their air conditioning bills by 40% by running ceiling fans in tandem to provide a healthier and more pleasant experience for customers.  Using ceiling fans in conjunction with air conditioning enables the setting to be higher which in turn drastically reduces the energy demands of the restaurant.  Most restaurants in Asia and the Middle East have realised this long ago although few in the UK have yet to pick up on it.  The Coffee Club are impressed with the results and so are their customers.
