Why Use a Ceiling Fan?
Why Use A Ceiling Fan?
A ceiling fan is a well proven, time-tested and highly effective way to bring comfort and cooling relief to a hot room. They are widely used in many hot countries around the World and are finding increased use in more temperate climates such as the UK where air conditioning would be overkill. They not only consume a fraction of the energy of air-conditioning (and so represent the environmentally friendly option) but also avoid a lot of the health hazards and sicknesses associated with it that arise from recirculating very dry and stale air.
They operate on the “wind chill” effect giving an immediate 3-4 °C of cooling and in addition are very effective at drawing in cooler fresh air from an open window in the early morning or evening thus cooling a room’s mass down which then can act as a store of coolness for the midday-afternoon hot period. In the winter they can be run in reverse to bring trapped hot air down to floor level making considerably energy savings. They cost about 1/10 of the price of air-conditioning to install and about 1/20 to run since they are so simple and reliable there is virtually nothing to go wrong and nothing to maintain.